A very well attended A.G.M. held on 8 February 2016 saw the following members elected to the Chamber Executive for 2016:

President: Jenny Robb
Vice President:  Gail Ward
Junior Vice President: Clair Mudaliar
Secretary: Kari Esplin
Junior Secretary: Maryanne Palmer
Treasurer/Public Officer: Peter Mann
Events: Mel Warren & Bronwyn Schmich
Projects: Brent Dunne & Graeme White
Tourism:  Ed Chenery (Gail Ward if Ed unavailable)

The meeting was extremely positive with many new initiatives coming to fruition and the community and business district feeling more and more confident about the future.

The Chamber Executive will endeavour to engage several different speakers throughout the year, including an update on this year’s Cruise Eden season and a presentation from the Eden Resort Hotel group on progress on the marina development.