Representatives from Eden Chamber of Commerce/Cruise Eden were thrilled to meet with local Member for Bega The Hon. Andrew Constance, MP (Member for Finance and Services) and Deputy Premier The Hon Andrew Stoner, BBus MBA, MP (Minister for Trade and Investment, and Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services) this morning when they announced that the State Government would contribute $3 million to ensure the wharf extension project reaches its full potential.

With the Federal Government already committing $10 million and Bega Valley Shire Council contributing $2 million, the State Government funding is the last piece in the jigsaw that will see the wharf extended by the end of 2015. This will enable large cruise vessels to come alongside and for their passengers to disembark straight onto the wharf, rather than coming to land by tender vessel which has been the case until now.

Cruise Eden Co-Ordinator, Gail Ward, and a number of other community leaders have been working tirelessly in voluntary positions to build Eden’s profile as a cruise destination and the news today has brought smiles to many faces.

Opportunities abound for the development of new tourism products to support the onslaught of regular cruise passengers.  Bega Valley Shire Council is gearing up to help business people to ready themselves for this new market.

It’s exciting times indeed for the businesses of Eden and its surrounds. Read all the details in the following Press Release State Government Wharf contribution – Press Release